What is the 12” 150g Seamless set and what does it come with?

Updated by Kerry

What is the 12” 150g Seamless set and what does it come with?

Our 12” 150g Seamless clip-in set comes with the following 10 Seamless wefts:

- Two 4-clip wefts (one 7" weft + one 8" weft)

- Two 3-clip wefts (6" in width)

- Two 2-clip wefts (4" in width)

- Four 1-clip wefts (1" in width)

This set weighs 150 grams in total and is offered in 40 shades. It is packaged in Luxy’s signature pink round box, with a tester weft in the top of the box for color matching purposes.  

Our Seamless clip-in sets feature thin silicone wefts that lay flat against your head. This set is ideal if your thin/medium thickness hair is on the shorter-side, and you wish to add some volume to your hair without adding a lot of length. With the 10 individual wefts included, you may position the wefts around your head to add volume where you need it most.

If your hair is thick or very short, a heavier clip-in set may be a better fit. Here is a helpful article on choosing your ideal set. 

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